Friday, September 3, 2021

Bicycle: Newbility

The Newbility Bicycle

This is the story of Newbility - the new ability to ride my bicycle

When I started riding in 2007, because of the MS in the left leg I was unable to do a standing bike mount. 

After practice, to mount/dismount, I would lay the bike left side down, extend my left arm and put the handlebar, once stable, I could wing the right leg over the frame placing it in the space between the crank and front wheel. The handlebar dropdowns, while a little rocky on the ground, acting as a balance and stabilizing aid. Once both feet were between the bike frame and wheels, I could lift the bike, clip in and ride. 

In January 2016, a new relapse affected the right leg preventing me from stepping over the frame. For many reasons could not ride my road bike safely. One day feeling confident, I decided to ride my mountain bike on the local bike path. In the driveway, leaning on the car, I mounted the bike, I figured a short ride and home to dismount. 

After about a half-mile, slightly fatigued, I decided to turn around and fell. The spot was an open space, nothing to grab to help me stand, and nobody was around. Wishfully, I said, it’s the mountain bike, I can do the laydown mount. My leg would not go above the saddle. Determined not to call my wife, I began walking. After a while, I remember another MSer mentioning he did rear bike mounts by lifting the front wheel straight up and then was able to walk forward over the rear wheel and saddle. The idea was worth trying, but I could not slip over the mountain bike's saddle. After repeated attempts and blooding shins from hitting the metal pedals, I managed a clumsy rear mount. . While the saddle height on the mountain bike is lower than my road bike, the saddle was too high for me to slip over.

Back home and after weeks of thinking, a new bike design emerged. 

Black Sheep Bikes is a Fort Collins custom bike builder is nationally known for handmade steel and titanium bikes. I took the new design idea to his shop, 

The new bike frame would use a dropper seat tube, as step-over frame, a new handlebar design, a chainring guard, and a trekking poke carrier. In Fort Collins is a custom bike builder renowned for custom titanium bikes, His shop also does custom steel frames. We made a deal to build a new steel bike based on my ride requirements. 

The name Newbility was a typo in the design's description. I typed the bike would give a new bility to ride again. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Biden sweeping new green initiatives

 Biden sweeping new green initiatives

In 1984, GM started Saturn as an independent business to bring robotics into automobile manufacturing. Labor feared the job loss.  The Wang word processor replaced thousands of legal secretaries, and their IBM Selectric typewriters. Horseshoes changed shipping loads distances.  Technology advancements create an interloper phenomena event disrupting established secure social norms: the story repeats and repeats. 

The wagon with wheels and axle technology breached Native lands. The wheel and axle, the horseshoe, the robot, the computer are just things. Technology is the applied use of things and the source of the interloper phenomena. 

Since before WWII, the automobile industry has been on notice to save energy and reduce pollution. The interloper waits for presentation in the corporate board rooms, and greed defected the breach. GM claims to have all cars electric by 2035. That power demand will be a breach on the power grid—the workforce balance changes from automobile assembly plants to distributed grids of alternative energy power plants. 

The interesting effect of a technology interloper phenomenon is the return on investment. If the return on the investment is positive, the technology demand expands, and job growth expands. The interloper phenomenon becomes and sustainable enterprise.  

Friday, December 25, 2020

Thoughts on God

 Thoughts on God

God’s Gifts and His Teaching

God’s first gift was a diverse place to live.
            God’s second gift was a diverse life.
            God’s third gift was the ability to survive in diversity.
            God’s fourth gift was rational thought.
            God’s fifth gift was free will.
            God’s sixth gift was the ability to learn.
            God’s seventh gift shared His wisdom.

God began teaching lessons about using His gifts.

God’s first lesson teaching is respect for others. The Garden’s lesson teaches the difference between public and private property and the respect for each. The apple is another person’s private property. The free will assault by word (Eve), and deed (Adam) on private property is trespass. The consequences of a person’s trespass are misplaced respect. 

God’s second lesson expands rational thought to teach community development by acts of respect, restitution, and forgiveness.  

God continues His teaching with Moses and the 10 articles of respect, three to honor God’s property, and seven to honor others' property. 

Jesus, Himself, tells us and demonstrates that respect for others begins with respect for oneself. At His death, He teaches forgiveness is a quality of respect. 

In all the philosopher’s writings and in all the prayers, respect is the thread that binds each word and thought to God’s first teaching. 

To understand His teaching, God gives us rational thought as his greatest gift. With rational thought and learning, His teaching of respect became thought’s permanent anchor for rational acts. 

God’s wisdom knew Adam and Eve would trespass. By leaving the Garden, He knew that his grant of rational thought and respect would allow His people to grow in knowledge and honor diversity. He knew rational thought requires reminding.  

This explanation of the Bible’s verses perceives God as Devine Wisdom. God never teaches hate or hell. These are rational thought constructs to explain the loss of self-respect and disrespect for others. 

Divine Wisdom is self-complete. Why are we aware of His creation, gifts, and teachings? Our notions of heaven and the ends of time are wishful misconstrued atonements for trespass and a plea to return to God’s garden.  


The Garden parable recalls the loss of respect consequences. God fills His Garden with His gifts and teachings. The only nourishment required is respect.

~ The Creation and Garden stories are parables to understand diversity, respect, and survival within diversity. The Garden of Eden story chronicles His Divine Wisdom plan to adapt diversity by respect. But what about those who do not know the Garden story. What happens to His teaching and gifts?  

Devine Wisdom foresaw some human cultures will need the Creation and Garden stories to understand respect. Other cultures and worlds will have other stories. The Devine Wisdom themes for respect, diversity, and survival remain as His Nature's goodwill grant.

Thursday, December 24, 2020



This my list of Josephisms; many are mine; some are borrowed; some are quoted. Years ago, an MS sponsor asked me to sign bandannas for a team event. The team had 25 riders. The sponsor asked that I give each team member have a different quote with my signature. Over the years since,  here and there, I started collecting Josephism quotes and thoughts,

Josephism Quotes 
  • Peace on earth did happen, once. Our challenge is to make it happen again.
  • Live, Ride, Believe.
  • HERO means Help Everyone, Respect Others—time, talent, treasure, and tenacity.  Tenacity – never give up.
  • Every step forward loses where it came from. 
  • Even to turn around and look behind is a different memory. 
  • Every step forward loses time. 
  • To turn around and look behind loses time.
  • Every step forward is a new precious present. 
  • Our challenges grant us the gift of many precious presents.  So happy you are collecting them. 
  • Thinking creates thoughts for stories. 
  • You can only use one sense at a time.
  • My brain is the perfect chaos engine, happily enjoying every distraction. 
  • My writing, like my thoughts, is a scatter diagram of incomplete articles.
  • My brain is happy as a chaos generator.
  • Once I had a dollar. Once I wished for a dollar.  Once I earned a dollar.
  • The term money means title, value, use, and asset. In the bank (use), I have (title) 10 (value) dollars (asset). 
  • An invoice is a demand for money; a payment is a transfer of title.
  • Space and time are artworks of the mind. 
  • Ideas are always ideas.
  • A found penny is a treasure and a misfortune. 
  • Family first. 
  • A term is more than a language artifact. It is a stakeholder of ideas.
  • A term is the end of a thought and the beginning of communication.
  • Failing because of quitting is not the same as quitting because of failing.
  • I am me, an individual. 
  • A horse my refuse water, my job is to provide the water.
  • No one gets an education. Education gets you.
  • To thrive is to change.
  • The future and the past are stories.
  • A life is many lives.
  • Devote time to the people you love.
  • Every intention is a precious present.
  • Thrive with determination.
  • When chasing rain mills, you know the direction of power.
  • The universe of men and the universe of women are two dimensions.
  • The mind’s eye sees its heart’s perspective.
  • Only we can determine our fatigue.
  • Three, one, two, one, three. 
  • WWJD - What would Joseph do?
  • Left, right, left; count, cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4.
  • Peddling up-hill is life-affirming. Peddling down-hill is fun.
  • A rock in the road is a signpost to a clear path.
  • Don't look at the pothole.
  • In every happy heart, there is love.
  • Love is a great spin that lasts forever.
  • Bikers ride in the sky because the sky starts at our tires on the road.
  • Remember to breathe from the gut.
  • The brain is a discrimination engine. The mind is a biased engine. 
  • I do not accept racism. 
  • The reason for war is economic power. 
  • Tomorrow you may wake up dead.  
  • Courage is only required for something you fear.
  • Bicycles are energy star rated.
  • Another name for the future is life.
  • A bicyclist always has the wind in their face.
  • I was disabled; now, I am adaptive.
  • In every happy heart, there are beats for at least two people.
  • Real men have happy hearts.
  • To speak for itself, someone must hear it speak.
  • Here in the hell is the bathroom? I gotta piss.
  • First, learn 3 words, “I love you.” Then learn 2 words, “I surrender.” And one word, “OK.”
  • Smile! Display your happy heart.
  • Biking, like wisdom, is applying the right leverage in the right place at the right time.
  • Sternum up, smile, see the world, shake it off, suck the gut, set intentions.
  • SAFE: Strength, Agility, Flexibility, Endurance; the finite wellness elements of conditioning.
  • Fatigue equals vigor minus endurance.
  • What not is the truth? What is not is an opinion.
  • Ability-to-thrive equals quality-of-life and quantity-of-life.
  • We are eccentric beings in an eccentric universe.
  • The mind is a bucket full of moods.
  • To overcome one challenge challenges all challenges.
  • When walking, what foot moves first?
  • To see is the hardest part of the picture.
  • “Last one, best one.”
  • All exist in the Goodwill Grant.
  • Failure to thrive is not an option.
  • I am this for now, and that already passed.
  • Time is a learned concept of the human mind.
  • Time is absent in nature. 
  • Truth enables space.
  • Not am I not.
  • Honesty is the power of movement.
  • I refuse to be depressed. 
  • Respect permits identity.
  • Trust is the first principle of a relationship.
  • Love, faith, and hope bond family.
  • The trinity of fatigue: physical prowess, neurological coordination, cognitive planning.
  • A broken stick has 3 parts, 2 pieces of wood, and a break.
  • When filling up, make sure to clean the headlights.
  • 40 squats a day.
  • The mind trains the brain; the brain trains the body.
  • I am what I see I am. 
  • Behind the mind of a great engineer is a great artist.
  • Thanks for your service.
  • The axle conquered the American West.
  • Frustration is the grantor for inspiration. 
  • A coin and a prayer are both collaterals.
  • When sitting, the toes are the first to stand.
  • Federal and state civil statutes are business rules for contracts and the use of money.
  • The word money means value, use, asset, and title. Payment is the transfer of title. -- I have (title) 5 (value) dollars (asset) in the bank (use).
  • Fear threat reactions: fight, flight, freeze, fawn, fade, fold, forget, finesse.
  • Volunteering is a coin with two sides.  The head side is a risk to the organization. The tail side is a risk to the person.  Volunteering for a charity is a risk for the organization. Volunteering of the draft is a risk to the person.
  • Apostle's Challenge: form, fit, function, finance, fabrication, family, fix, feature, fact, fear, fubar.\
  • Wellness modifies yesterday, connected by empathy, grow with affinity, live through change, the journey for oneself, together, experience life, remodel is an adventure.
  • A value is more than money: Abundance, Accountability, Achievement, Action, Adventure, Ambition, Awareness, Balance, Beauty, Being the Best, Calmness, Cheerfulness, Clarity, Comfort, Compassion, Competition, Connection, Contribution, Control, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Determination, Discipline, Effectiveness, Empathy, Energy, Enthusiasm, Excellence, Fairness, Faith, Fame, Family, Flexibility, Freedom, Friendship, Fulfillment, Fun, Harmony, Happiness, Health, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Independence, Integrity, Intelligence, Intimacy, Inspiration, Kindness, Knowledge, Liveliness, Love, Money, Nature, Passion, Peace, Perfection, Persistence, Philanthropy, Power, Respect, Security, Simplicity, Significance, Spirituality, Spontaneity, Strength, Stability, Success, Status, Teamwork, Tolerance, Tradition, Truth, Vitality, Volunteering, Wealth, Wisdom.
  • On a family member's death. My heart is sad and touches your grief as my grief too. Our family is blessed with many experiences of birth, life, and death. At each, we gather to sing a promise, a praise, and a memory. Each song is a prayer to each other and a whisper to God for His blessing. A touch of grief is God's whisper to spark memories of joy.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Psyc: Efficient Thinking

Efficient Thinking

Efficient generally refers to performance with the least amount of waste or sometimes the ability to avoid waste. The term efficient is very subjective to context and observations regarding use.  Two of the subjective measurements are the consumption of resources and the use of resources to meet a goal. Each are perceptions on the same consideration, one view is from the producer and the other from the customer.  Efficient thinking in mind and the brain is similar. The neurobiology of the brain produces thoughts, and the neurocognition of the mind consumes the thoughts.

Waste has some negative connotations, e.g. trash, but a wastebasket is very efficient for collecting trash. In production companies, the consumption of resources manufactures a product. In manufacturing, quality is an efficiency statement that appears to be a perception measurement about resource depilation that occurred to make the finished goods. Customers who purchase the goods make a quality assessment to buy based on their judgment the goods meet the perceived use of their personal resources,

Illumination is the waste of electric power applied to a light bulb. A 10 Watt light bulb is more efficient than 100 Watt light bulb regarding power consumption. However, from a different perspective, the illumination produced by 100 Watt bulb may be more efficient to reduce the darkness. In energy consumption,  watts is a measurement of the waste cost associated with the power to produce electricity. Energy company uses waste consumption to make money. The more waste, the more money

MS: Think Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box


The word hero is an acronym that means, Help Everyone, Respect Others. You show respect by giving your time, your talent, your treasure, and most importantly, your tenacity. Never quit until we find the cure for MS. Thank you for coming, each of you is my hero.

The current dialog on MS has two principal author perspectives. The clinical view and the MSer self-view, or the "them" or the "me" perspective. When I talk about MS From the Insider-Out, I try to have the "us" perspective.  I just look at MS magazines, the principal authors were from the clinical view. Sometimes, the magazine will have an MSer personal story as the me-too story.  The them pronoun can be a logical context syllogism when referring to people with MS as the object of the article. Them, you, us and me are just perspectives of the MS box. The clinical views, them and you, see the MS box from the outside. The MSer views, us and me, is from inside looking to see out. The MS box does not have walls, rather, the clinical perspective is looking at a pool of water, and MSer perspective is living in the pool. The water is not water, it is MS.

The idea of "MS From the Inside-Out" is different than other dialogs. It is a cross between the clinical and the personal.  

Before MS forced me into disability, a big part of my career was working on international standards for electrical engineering. The job was to architect information models. Everybody is an information molder. Every profession has sets of information models that become the rules of the job. An MD diagnosis of illness. A CPA reconciles charts of accounts. Parents, children, artist, CEO, researcher, pastor, politician, gas station attendant, hermits, blue-collar, white-collar, gray-collar, everybody operates within tribe information models. Characteristics, personality, craft, relationships, and awareness emit from information models.  This email is an information model.

Think of “MS From the Inside-Out” as the middle-ground information architecture of MS life.

Here is a challenging information model question I asked many doctors and others, some of whom were at the meeting.
a. What not is fatigue is ___________?
b. What is not fatigue is ___________?

These are information architect style questions. 

The answer for a. is the opposite. 

The answer for b. is a description. 

My Inside-Out journey began with another question, “What did MS steal from me?” While looking for what MS stole, I discovered the MS thief left fatigue tracks. You may think everybody knows MS causes fatigue. That is true, the difference is my discovery personified MS as thief and fatigue is evidence not a symptom.
The challenge question makes a case statement where the fatigue evidence may find what the thief stole..

All the "pros" answered with descriptions of fatigue. Never the opposite.

A survey using the challenge questions. While not necessary, add one more question.

c. What is your connection to MS. Answer One or more.
___MSer.         How long since diagnosis? ______
___Care giver. How long providing care? __________
___ Medical doctor.
___ Ph.D. not medical.
___ Medical or Ph.D. staff
___ Therapy. What type? ________
___ Community Provider?  What type ________
___ Trainer. What type? _______
___ MS Support Organization.
___ Other connection. ___________
___ No connection.

As an experiment, read the InfoMS "Focusing on Fatigue"  to look for an answer to the challenge question.

I did find an answer. I am a fan of letting others seek their answers. My answer took me two years working on and off to find.

CPA Hint. What not is a net asset is ________
               What is not a net asset is  ________
               ðŸ˜€The answer is not a not for profit

The MS Society Communications Editor and some Society staff rejected MS From the Inside Out. Not everyone is in favor of a new MS box. 

A box has 4 observer perspectives. 
 - The outside perspective sees the box. 
 - The inside perspective sees the box. 
 - The outside-in perspective is a guess about what is on the inside. 
  - The inside-out perspective can see both sides. 

Hence, the expression, thinking outside box. Some people think MSers belong in a box. Open a box the lid to discover a music box.

In 1989, at 40, I was diagnosed with MS. I worked as an advisory engineer at IBM. Then in 1995, MS forced me to surrender my career. In 2005, I started to change my relationship with MS. The process took a few years, eventually, I invented a training program called Connection Toning. All of my MS education was a clinical perspective. (Most of the Brain Hearth  program was from the clinician perspective.) This perspective is absolutely necessary. As time passed, I realized as an MSer, I have a different perspective. I called my perspective, "MS From the Inside Out" and the clinical perspective, "MS From the Outside In."

However, both perspectives are about MS.  I needed a model that includes both. This blog explains:

The Outside-In MS dialog is lesion, inflammation, and scar.  However, I know something is wrong before going to a neurologist. I gave that knowledge a name, irritation. I know the lesion will cause neuro-psych damage I called stigma.  I named the Inside-Out dialog lesion, irritation, and stigma.

Psyc: Tribal Bullying


What are your opinions on bullying by tribes? As members of society we all live in tribes.

Tribe examples include family, work, church, city, sports teams, gangs, cliques, organizations, income, discrimination profiles, political parties, military, demographics, national pride, etc.

When my daughter was in middle school, the in-girls clique bullying was terrible.

When I was in grade school we lived on the wrong side of tracks and we were poor. The kids from the "the north side of Colfax" did name-calling, shoving, ridiculed, and ostracized my brother, my sisters, and me. We were not the only school kids who the bullies attacked. Colfax was a label of convenience, rather, in reflection, we were poor, but not in poverty. I suspect other branding like patched clothes,  paper bags not lunch boxes, heritage, grammar, size, clicks, and family advertised labels for bully aggression. I remind myself, the sins of youth are not the sins of adults. Years later, after meeting the bullies from my youth, they had none of that character. 

Tribes have four actions, recruit, inclusion, exclusion, and expelling.

Tribe behavior includes identity, defense, ranks, sustainability, contribution, commitment, boundaries, dues, events, charter, fraternity, and attraction.

During a person's lifetime, the person will be a member of many tribes. Tribe membership can come and go, rise and fall, persist or fail. Membership changes are fundamental to the tempo of life and death. From the time of birth, we build membership in the tribe of self. When I die, I will be a member of a US veteran's gravesite. 

Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The bully's behavior often repeats and becomes habitual.


Besides mobbing, what are the other profiles for tribal bullying?

What is the self-defense for tribal bully attacks?

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