Thursday, November 7, 2019

Multiple Sclerosis: Neurologist and Brain Health

Neurologist and Brain Health

Neurologists are the enablers that make remodel possible. They help identify relapses, provide the means for remission (steroids) and prescribe DMTs to sustain modeling. They are the relapse-remission-remodel bookends in an MSer's story.

Complex Trauma SyndromeBy necessity, neurologists are the outside-in viewer. When a doctor makes symptoms diagnosis, that is the art of clinical affinity modeling. My favorite  term I use to describe MS is a neurological complex trauma syndrome (CTS). By itself, trauma has four factors, injury, emotional challenges, social impact, and disability adapting.  A lesion is a wound that injures the complex interconnection of the body systems. Common speak from the outside-in view refers to MS as a disorder of the central nervous system. But as a CTS, the injury is one trauma's factors. While the lesion injuries the interconnected body systems, the wound multiples the complex trauma impact with emotional, social, and disability interconnections.

Everybody is an affinity modeler. For doctors, their clinical art is the craft of separating the cause from the effect and the determination of remedy. For an MSer, affinity models frame personal remedy.  Neuroplasticity remodels brain circuits. Affinity remodels the mind. Treatment and training merge to form the affinity models for remodeling MS's trauma.

I believe brain health is essential to being able to remodel. The next step is brain wellness, where the lessons from brain health become asset resources for remodeling. Brain health presents the tools and options for the biological life and safety of brain cells. Brain wellness implants thrive, and health models into the mind.

I think brian-mind a collection of different engines that operate thoughts. The discrimination engine sorts object thoughts,  the memory engine stores, and preserves thoughts, the threat engine escalates survival thoughts, the cognition engine synthesizes calculation thoughts, the activity engine stimulates movement thoughts. These engines and others provide the ability to thrive. The affinity engine receives thoughts, determines similarity, and forwards to other engines. Human affinity models are cognitive constructions of the mind for a similar purpose. For MS remodeling, the affinity models provide the mind, brain, body scripts to adapt trauma and install change.

MS changes the MSer's concept of self.  Fatigue and numbness are two MS symptoms that block environment connection.  The block is like a radiant gradient mesh filtering our kinesthetic sense limiting our ability to accurately know our positions and movements in the environment. Neurological treatments, therapy, and training provide the means to remodel the block. Brain health is a natural resource that sustains remodeling. 

The mind is constantly collecting affinity thoughts into empathy ideas for action. MS neurology trauma affects sense signals and mind interpreters.  Affinity is the reasoning to determine likeness. Our brain collects sense signals that the mind interpreters to thoughts.

MS is a complex trauma syndrome. Replacing the organic term brain-mind to be a more perceptual term, affinity space, enables a better means to understand MS's impact.   The MS lesion damages the affinity space by creating black holes that are the source of the trauma syndrome. The black hole ripple effect generates complex trauma starting the affinity space that radiates out into social and emotional space. to eventually become disability space. Once in the disability space, the will to thrive remodels affinity space to create new universes around the black hole.

Brain health is the gravity of the affinity space.

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