What not is apathy is grit.
To understand something ask two questions:
What not is .... -- find the opposite
What is not ... -- describe something
The brain and the mind always exist together as a mood. Neither the brain nor the mind can coexist without being in a mood. The term mood has multiple meanings. The brain/mind can change moods hundreds of times a second. A mood state is a repeated occurrence of a mood that can be observed as a behavioral trait.
The drawing Keep Your Grit began with the question "What not is apathy?" and discovered grit as the opposite. The change from an apathy state to a grit state means overcoming multiple blocking challenges. Once at a grit state, the same blocking challenges reduce the risk of returning to an apathy state.
Keep Your Grit
The drawing Keep Your Grit began with the question "What not is apathy?" and discovered grit as the opposite. The change from an apathy state to a grit state means overcoming multiple blocking challenges. Once at a grit state, the same blocking challenges reduce the risk of returning to an apathy state.
In drawing are eight belief mood states and each mood has an opposite mood. Each mood has two adjacent moods.
The two risk-reward circles show the two mood change paths for will-to-thrive in one direction and the other direction loss of will-to-thrive. Each path is a continuous experience. Confidence can become doubt and doubt can become confident. Determination can become avoidance and avoidance can become determination. Doubt is the opposite of determination. Confidence is the opposite of avoidance. Doubt and avoidance are risk pathways leading to apathy. Confidence and determination are reward pathways leading to grit.
At the center is belief. The name could be willpower, love, conviction, view, idea. belief or any tenet of self one holds true to be the source for the will-to-thrive.
Grit Wellness Moods
The Grit Wellness Moods drawing unfolds the eight belief moods to model transition moods between two beliefs moods. Each belief mood has four transition moods. The drawing illustrates the relationships between the eight belief moods, the sixteen transition moods and the four pathway moods.A possible application of the model is an explanation of a person trapped by anxiety is to remodel the risk triggers into constructive rewards passions or to replace anxiety triggers with order tactics to gain certainty.
The drawing shows the moods as synchronous. In practice, mood experience is asynchronous and can be in any mood state. However, with experience, the moods will focus leading to a goal.
The reward statement "What is not apathy is grit." also has the risk statement "What is not grit is apathy."
The two drawings are models for identifying moods and explaining mood change. The name I used for the moods are labels that I understood to best define transition states.
Something to think about.
If every mood has a transition mood, what is the transition mood of the transition mood? The drawing shows 4 levels of transition moods. Each level is a transition mood. The three additional levels remain undefined for the Keep Your Grit model. The interesting question is what is W, X, Y, Z.
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